Tuesday, 31 July 2012

The Donau river and chis

Sorry havent been in touch, its been really difficult to get access to the internetin germany. The river danau as its known here is spectacular and the cycling paths are brilliant. Its been great to see Chris and share some stories with him  even though hes probably heard of them allready. he has a calming influence and so far there has been no trouble. There was this one night when chris fancied another beer even though he thinks the beer here is only fit for disinfectent, wed been walkink down a lane from a village and came accross a beer garden. we ventured in only to be told it was a private party. as we turned to leave  the german asked  our wish beer goood beer ok come in we were introduced to the private party and soon after a few beers and shots of some strange liquid we were shown around the shooting range !! then introduced to some men in leiderhousen thats not spelt right but i assure you it doesnt look right either, more beer and shots and photos exchange of numbers and some singing and cussing and we were all best friends. we returned to our camp site very giggly and sore heads the next morning. Chris is doing really  on the trip considering the temperature 30 36c no rain and  on average 70 miles a day and we will reach vienna 3 days earlier than he expected. Hope your all ok, seeing my daughter next week in vienna xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx