On the way we have seen our first vines, plus various pear trees, walnuts, apricot and kumquats. We've also seen a James Pennyalike builder in a little rural village - that's him on the roof. Typical Pennyesque lack of regard for personal safety. James responded to Mike's dare to squirt Jeff - the Dad of the trip - with his bidon, energetically and Jeff, after an initial period of shock, responded with gusto. Bus-stops were a great way to get out of the mid afternoon heat and drink/snack/rest a while.
The english camp-site owner, Rob, seeing our T shirts, offers a free pitch and some excellent restaurant advice. Its a mile or so into Breissure, but we're glad to stretch legs walking for a change and keen to skip our habitual pasta and sauce feast. Mike likes the hand painted signage and is drawn to a retail concept not often seen on the UK hightstreet: wool and knives. fed up with knitting? How about stabbing something?
We then had dinner in town, french frites and steak (fish for James). Jeff and James were keen on Pizza, but Mike persuades them to opt for the traditional French menu, complete with frogs legs and snails - which James would rather die than eat. Novel toilet, with a seat covered in cling film which rotates round when you flush. In France its either 21st century mega hygiene or the opposite, with no seats or loo roll.
We stayed at this campsite for free in aid of the charity run - highly recommended.
Donate to www.justgiving.com/medmen
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