Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Monday and shortcuts

Tired this morning Must eat more or perhaps the body needs a rest. Did a silly thing after being on the big road and saw a shortcut on the map, it was a signed cycle route so i took it. very scienic, then onto a little chipped path, oopps mistake turned out to be a mountain bike route certainly not for the likes of my bike. A journey that should have taken 30 min as the crow flied took 2.5 hrs  it turned out it was a logging track. lesson learnt, but some great views for a brew and lunch


  1. You never learn those lessons! All sounds great and the photos are incredible. Take some time off and get some protein down you? Sounds like you're ahead of schedule for Germany. I'd be surprised if you've taken in enough on those remote, cold mountain days. Jane says I'm getting obsessed with the blog, but we can all live a bit more through your adventures!

  2. James, it sounds epic and I wish I was there with you. Mix in a few light 20 mile days every now and then so at least you feel like you are progressing but you're getting chance to rest - There's much more daring do to come yet! I'll get Mike to upload a photo of the Frenchman for inspiration (I'll have to get Mike to do it as it's taken me a week to work out how to do this!) Rich

  3. James have some figs and a bean feast, you know it makes sense!

  4. The bean feast I knew I was missing something
